Who Am I? Brainwashed? Understanding Subliminals Subliminals Dont Work?! 9/11/01
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I am running petitions intended to secure our freedom, please join in

Subliminal Law:

E-Mail Address:
I know this petition is for the regulation of subliminal technologies. I agree it is in the public interest to establish meaningful enforceable statute to weed out this technology wherever it is seen to be dangerous. I give permission for Busta $ Sceen to contact me in connection with this petition.

Kraft's Christmas Callendar:

E-Mail Address:
I have seen the calendar and agree it is inappropriate (Santa's nose is depicted as a falice) I know this petition is for an investigation to be held into this calendar to find the highest level at which this calendar has been conceived, authorised and/or distributed. Those responsible should be prosecuted and banned from holding any position where they can produce or authorise the production of media to be publicly displayed. I give permission for Busta $ Sceen to contact me in connection with this petition.

Please E-mail me to support having legal aid available for intellectual property cases.
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1964-18/June/2013 + ©
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