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My Plea
Hopefully you will have read My Story I don't know how much of it you are able to believe
I just know I have to speak the truth, or at least my truth. I would like to move my case forward as well as help to create a better
future for we the people, they say many hands make light work, well i'm hoping this will be the case.
Voice testing must be done through a solicitor, the system has made it impossible for me to obtain a solicitor so I am coming to you, The People,
if 100 voice testers read this site and just 10 of them were willing to check the evidence available, I think all would agree with Dr Wright's conclusion.
I am asking that if you know anybody who has a degree in forensic linguistics to please ask them to Contact Me and look at the evidence if not for me then for the
sanity of the population. I believe 10 voice testers backing up my claims would be solid in court even though the test would not be done through a solicitor the evidence would provide excellent foundations. This
moves me to my next point, If you know a solicitor show them this site, if you are a solicitor and you are interested in justice I am looking for someone like you. I wouldn't be able to pay you unless compensation is won.
If you are a Solicitor or a Forensic Linguistic practitioner interested in truth and justice please Contact Me
If not don't worry you can still help, ....how? ........Money!. I'm not asking for monthly installments (although feel free to donate more than once), I am not asking for £3 minimum, I don't mind if it's £1 or £0.01 i'd prefer £Millions to go to court but realistically whatever you can give big or small will be greatly appreciated, it
will show me that The People are aware and they seek the truth. Money makes the Masonic world go round and if enough people gave a small change we may be able to make big changes.
"How do we know you're not like other charities?" you don't, there is no way I can really confirm to you that this isn't just a money grabbing scheme, all I can do is reassert my belief in the
creator, karma, truth, justice, goodness and let you know that my interests are with the people not just me or my own personal gains. I want to be recognized as the singer of my songs not just for me but because it hurts me to see this madness go on, people need to know! last time I checked
it's £2k-£3k plus whatever a solicitor costs per voice test. I feel a further two tests on other artists would generate enough interest to get this case up and running, so that's it, that's my plea, Please Donate
If you do not want to donate that's fine but please at least take part in these Petitions
Big respect to Andrew (below) who was the first but not the only one to donate towards the cause,
Thanks Andy, Nice pic :)
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